

 This week Alex and Chris explore a multitude of answers to the question, Is All Art Political? And, Are All Artist Obligated to Create Political Art

Using examples from the #MCU #MarkTwain, #DCComics, #AynRand, #GeorgeOrwell and many other works (including their own) Alex and Chris discuss in detail the Creatives ultimate obligation to her or his or their art.  What motivates art?  Is all art subjective or political?  Or do artist have the right to be humans who create art, whatever the form? 

Is there a universal answer, or only more questions?

All this and a bit more on this episode.

On this topic we'd truly like to hear your opinions pro of con.  That's what discussion is all about.  So please leave your questions or comments right here in our Comments Section.

Or write us at: TTDSOnAir@gmail.com

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